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Potential Market of Synthetic Diamond
Jewelry Grade Synthetic Diamond created is not to compete with the nature diamond market now controlled by DeBeers. However, it does possible be a substitution for nature diamond. For example, will a person buy a diamond as large as an Apple for USD 20,000 or less (cost of production), or just buy a small bean-like diamond offer from De Beer with the same price? I think different persons will have different preference. The Diamond as big as an apple is obviously a man-made product but it is still a miracle created by modern technology. The Diamond is much bigger than the one owned by the Queen of United Kingdom. The small nature diamonds are jewelry for pretty women in pursue of value and social status. For the person who want to have a purely imitate one, another market with much more low price chemical has already are already available. The new synethetic diamond will create a market in between these two.
Sample of Synthetic Diamond
It is a sample of synthetic Diamond of weight 2.3 and 12.5 g. It take about 5 days to make one. There ar number of companies and laboratories has done it but the qualities are different. Since the market is large and the future is excellent, both in jewelry, miltary, industrial market, all are commercial secret.
Advantage of Synthetic Diamond
Synthetic Diamond are created for customers according to their needs. It can be tailor-made. The size and color of the diamond can be determined by the perference and budget of the customers only. It is possible to make a egg-size and blue diamond which is much larger than the most valuable stone in the world, owned by the Queen of UK now.
Example of Other Man-made Jewelry
Perhaps the pearl market can be used to demonstrate this changes. Before the introduction of cultured pearl, pearl is an expensive jewelry material. Now, the nature pearl is still the an expensive one although they have inborn defects. The cultured pearl is the one has the largest market. For the lowest end, plastic pearl can be used as a substitution, and it is a market much greater than the sum of both above. It therefore finally makes both pearls in a very low price. The lowest quality pearls are finally used as pearl power, a luxury calcium power for little kids.
Possible Market of Synthetic Diamond Technology
It is signicant implication to the diamond market. Do remember that Diamond is actual a symbol of love only. It do have no value except its image. So, it become a valuable Gem Stone. However, its production is similar to Jade (the "Chinese Diamond"). If there are diamonds everywhere, the symbolic meaning of diamond will no longer exist. It is not a symbol of power, richness, love and social status but only electronic components or destroying weapons. It does not much better than the Quartz Gift nowadays we have.
Sample of created synthetic diamond
The created synthetic Diamond is the same with nature one with brilliant color.
Sunrise of a new era
Hope Diamond with royal history no longer be speical. It can be re-made in lab with larger size and quality.